Be a Filmmaker For Liberty: Training and Funding Are Available
Long ago, Ayn Rand warned that the left was trying to take over Hollywood. She was right, of course. As the author of several successful screenplays (1,2,3), she had seen it all firsthand while working in the film industry. And to some degree the left succeeded. It now largely dominates the film content that Americans get to see.
Happily, however, there are two pro-liberty organizations fighting back. If you have any interest in making a film — or even just online video content — sympathetic to freedom, you really need to know about them. These organizations want to help you.
Moving Picture Institute (MPI)
Have you seen a libertarian film lately? It’s not unlikely that somewhere along the way, the Moving Picture Institute (MPI) had a hand in it. MPI supports pro-liberty filmmakers in numerous ways, from training to internships to financial support. “The Moving Picture Institute produces and promotes films that make an impact on people’s understanding of individual rights, limited government, and free markets, and supports freedom-oriented filmmakers at every phase of their careers.”
Opportunities include:
“We place interns with partner production companies and provide living stipends for the duration of their internship. Though we consider applications on a rolling basis, it is best to apply for summer internship positions as early as possible, usually in February.”
Short Film Lab
“The MPI Short Film Lab is a comprehensive program that provides filmmakers with hands-on training and mentoring to take their initial film concepts through the process of developing an outstanding short film script for production. Filmmakers accepted into the program receive fellowship grants and participate in screenwriting workshops followed by directing workshops.”
Screenwriting Workshop
“In these workshops, participants develop original concepts under the guidance of award-winning screenwriters and develop them into compelling, pro-freedom scripts for short or feature length films. Participants receive a fellowship to attend weekly virtual workshop sessions, complete assignments, and present their work to the group twice.”
Documentary Storytelling
“The Documentary Storytelling Workshop is designed for documentary filmmakers who wish to move beyond the ‘talking head’ format and learn how to find the story in their footage, develop character, craft compelling story arcs, and strike an honest, compelling balance between story and argument. Participants receive a fellowship stipend to attend virtual workshop sessions where they receive feedback on the footage they have shared with the group.”
Directing Workshop
“MPI’s four-day Directing Workshop is led by experienced directors and is designed exclusively for participants of MPI Screenwriting Workshops who have written scripts that MPI is considering acquiring for production. The course teaches the skills needed to effectively manage a crew, communicate with a cast, and prepare for pre-production, production, and post-production.”
Filmmaker Network
“The MPI Filmmaker Network introduces filmmakers to like-minded future collaborators and to new connections who can help them succeed in the entertainment industry. MPI provides opportunities for participants to join invitation-only gatherings that include roundtable forums, networking events, and masterclasses.”
Filmmakers Challenge
“The MPI Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge (CFC) is an intensive two-week filmmaking competition held once a year designed to encourage networking and collaboration among participants. Challenge participants are tasked with writing, shooting, and editing a short film inspired by a quote assigned at the beginning of the competition.”
Filmmaker Grants
“The Moving Picture Institute’s Rising Filmmaker Program supports filmmakers who are committed to producing marketable projects about human freedom. We have supported the careers of over 100 producers, directors, editors, and screenwriters.”
Anthem Film Festival
Now that you’ve made your film, how do you get it out into the world? The usual way is by getting it shown in a film festival, and as it happens such a pro-liberty film festival has been created just for you: Anthem Film Festival.
“Anthem was created as a venue for filmmakers who care about individuality and libertarian ideals. We agree with Hayek: ‘It is via the novel and the newspaper, the cinema, and the political speeches, and ultimately the school and common talk, that the ordinary person acquires his conceptions of history.’ In short: we need to be making movies, writing novels, and singing songs. We need to be telling our stories through the common medium of entertainment. And we need to be doing it excellently.”
This is the largest film festival of its kind in the world and has been going on for over a decade. As many as 1,500 viewers have attended opening night screenings. And Anthem is always looking for new content. It’s also a great place to network with other pro-liberty filmmakers. For details, check out their website.
Pro-Liberty Organizations Are Hiring
Think filmmaking is interesting but you could never make a living at it? Not true. Video content is in high demand, as are the people and skills needed to make that content. Pro-liberty organizations frequently hire for filmmaking skills. The best way to make your skills known to these organizations is to register your interest with these specialized pro-liberty recruiters and job boards.
Pro-Liberty Film Review Websites
If you want to get more familiar with films promoting liberty, there are a few sites I’d recommend. follows current film releases, offering reviews and commentary from a conservative/libertarian perspective. has hundreds of film reviews, categorized by liberty-related theme and genre, including many classics.
National Review has a Film & TV review section, offering reviews and commentary on current films and television.
Reason Magazine journalists sometimes review films.
The Moving Picture Institute keeps a library of films that it has supported.